Unfortunately self employed nail techs can’t tell their boss to “take this job & shove it!”

This 5th installment features 10 more outrageous real life responses to my Facebook post from late last year where I asked my nail tech colleagues from around the world “What’s the most shocking thing a client ever said to you?

That post generated HUNDREDS of professional nail techs recounting things that came out of clients mouths that were indeed shocking, as well as appalling, horrifying, embarrassing, hilarious & some which actually left me (a seasoned nail tech heading into my 36th year in the business) incredulous.

If you aren’t in the beauty industry working as a nail tech, hair stylist, esthetician or massage therapist, upon reading this you might think that these things cannot possibly be true. But based on what I’ve personally witnessed with my own 2 eyes & heard with my own 2 ears, I’d bet the farm that these incidents actually transpired as recounted.


“I had a client masturbating in the chair while getting her hair done!” — L.D.

To which another tech replied: “I’ve had male clients do that. I stop the service & refuse to finish the cut. You are not jizzing all over my smock! Gross…” (T.B.)

ANONYMOUS — “When they start with ‘I just came out of prison & lost my 6 kids’. I don’t know what to say but look down & keep working.”

“My 72 year old client told me that her new 72 year old husband had great stamina in bed. That was not a picture I wanted I my head.” — G.M.

C.W. — “Make them extra scratchy; my husband likes me to scratch his balls.”

“I was doing a pedi & my older lady client tells me…’I’m going to fart’…I said well don’t do it while I’m sitting down here! Another showed me her breast to show me where the dog bit her.” — B.G.

L.D. — “I’ve had a client leave & see my next client walk in, then call me & tell NEVER to schedule them next to one another. She later told me she had an affair with the other’s husband.”

Me commenting to above nail tech L.D. — “I once had a longtime client in my chair drying her nails when I heard the front door open & said “that must be my next client ____ (insert first name of client). Then she asked “_______ Johnson?” I said ‘yeah, do you know her?’ And she freaked out ‘Yes, omg that’s the bitch that was having an affair with my husband. I can’t let her see me like this!’ (old clothes, hair in a ponytail, no makeup because she’d just finished painting her kitchen before having her nails done). I quickly opened the back door which was in my nail room & shoved her out, locking the door behind her just as my next client walked into my nail room. She never had a clue & I made dang sure I never booked them both back to back again. I tried so hard not to feel differently about her after learning she had messed with another woman’s husband. Gotta watch out for women like that if you’re married.”

“‘I’m having an affair & my 14yr old is pregnant’ all in same appointment!” — J.K.

S.S. — “Maybe not said, but I had a guy expose himself in my pedi chair last year. I still have trauma from that.” 😱 (the general consensus of commenting nail techs was ‘sick bastards’)

“I had a new male client call & ask if he could wear a robe while getting a pedicure with nothing on underneath & could I pretend to be peaking while I was giving him a pedicure? He would come in every 2 weeks & tip extremely well. 😬 One of my favorite clients husband came in for a pedi & took his foot & rubbed it across my breast TWICE! The first time I thought it was my mistake as us girls who are endowed know how easy it is for our breasts to get in the way. When I didn’t acknowledge the second time realizing ‘holy shit he really did that on purpose’! I love his wife so much & she’s going through cancer treatment. He then commented on how he did that!! I said we are going to forget that happened & you are going to behave. He then said as he wrote his check that it’s a good thing he’s married or he would be hot on my trail. I said well good thing you are married.” — L.C.

L.B. commenting to above tech L.C.— “oh my….one of my favorite client’s husband exposed himself to me when I did his pedicure. I told my clients that I no longer do men’s pedicures, including hers. When asked why I told them I had a bad experience.”

Be sure to follow me for more trashy true stories of the most shocking things clients have said (or did) to us nail techs whilst on our salon jobs. Then imagine yourself having to deal with some of these things on YOUR job, except we have no H.R. department to go to bat for us since most of us are self employed & cannot say “take this job & shove it.”

The 6th chapter will be coming up next month in late May, but if you’d like to be entertained by the prior chapters:






Jill Wright

Longtime Nail Tech & Event Coordinator for the Nail Tech Event of the Smokies, a nails-only show for licensed beauty pros. https://www.NailTechEvent.com