Yeah, that’s how we beauty pros really feel.

With this 4th saga we’ll be covering more inappropriate, disgusting & downright bizarre things that professional licensed nail techs have experienced on the job from clients or customers. Afterwards I’m sure you’ll be convinced as I am that the general public & society as a whole is dissolving into ridiculousness.

In the past people would’ve paid extortion money to keep things like this hushed up, but nope….not now. Nowadays a large portion of society lets it all hang out regardless of how disgusting, shameful or degrading their behavior is or how it embarrasses their nail tech (aka the innocent bystander trapped performing their job via a nail service).

Maybe it’s because we make people feel comfortable so they can relax & just be themselves, but holy moly many things should not be said in the light of day to a service provider!


K.H. — “That she loved watching my boobs jiggle when I filed her nails. LOL”

“A text saying she was ok now, she did a line of coke so she was good to go. It was a misdirected text lol, but she was relieved it came to me instead of somebody else. She was an escort & paid cash for her house in 30 days. Had me rethinking my career choice lol” — C.B.

E.G. — “Me: (seeing green under her nails) Did you eat avocado for lunch?

Client: (she is a veterinarian) No, that’s just dog placenta. I just delivered puppies before I came.

Me: Oh ummmmm ok. Here is a nail brush…please go wash your hands. (Thinking why the hell wasn’t she wearing gloves?!?!)” 🤢

I’m wearing a butt plug as she walks in the door.” — D.C. 😱

J.J. — “For real no lies. When they start with ‘I just came out of prison & lost my 6 kids’, I don’t know what to say but look down & keep working.”

Her husband was a pimp when he was younger, but just made porn web sites now. 🙈🙉🙊 lol” — T.R.

ANONYMOUS BY REQUEST— “a client was telling me about her experience (that happened) a couple of days before her appointment with me & she had to leave me during her service a couple of times to use the bathroom. She explained that she had a lengthy sexual encounter & was very sensitive in her genital area. She specifically mentioned that her clitoris was quite swollen & irritated & inflamed. 😳 for sure TMI

“A client expressed how pissed she was cause when her son died in a motorbike accident his wife & baby got the insurance money but felt she was entitled to it cause she raised him his whole life yet he was only married a year.” — ANONYMOUS BY REQUEST

C.B. — “Long story short was doing her nails for a few years. Her & her husband were swingers, no big D. One day my husband popped in my studio to see if I needed anything. Her eyes got like a kid in toy store. He left the room & she looked at me & asked what we were doing that weekend. I’m like dude, three years I’ve been doing your nails & you never asked me ???? And now ??? Ummmm lol I don’t share my toys lol

““I had a drunk bride accidentally grab my vag 😂” — C.W.

Follow up question to C.W by me: How did you react? 😱

C.W: “I laughed & told her to simmer down so I could finish”

Catch 10 more of these true stories from behind the nail table next month by subscribing to me here on Medium & thanks for reading.

Remember to always be kind to your nail tech, especially if there is a language barrier difficulty, because normally we are in control of sharp instruments, but sometimes we can slip if we get nervous!

If you’d like to catch up on my previous chapters, here they are in order:

(Dec. 2022) “What the Nail Tech Heard & Saw

(Jan. 2023) “Part 2: shocking true nail salon stories that’ll make you blush, cringe & laugh!

(Feb. 2023)Part 3: Shocking true nail salon stories that’ll make you blush, cringe & laugh!



Jill Wright

Longtime Nail Tech & Event Coordinator for the Nail Tech Event of the Smokies, a nails-only show for licensed beauty pros.